Multiple regulations and frameworks - one sustainable solution

Wired Relations is a GRC solution - tailored for privacy and information security. Turn your fragile privacy and information security into a sustainable GRC programme.

Tom is auditing a vendor by sending out a questionnaire.

Jane schedules recurring tasks for ISO 27002 controls.

Make it sustainable

GRC is a process, not a project. You need to be able to sustain all of the important workflows of privacy and information security with the resources you have - year after year. If you can’t, it becomes fragile. Your organisation needs sustainable GRC.

From fragile privacy and infosec to sustainable GRC

"When we saw Wired Relations “in action” it was clear to see that this would be the tool that would help us get the structure and the ownership that we lacked, and we were quite excited to say the least."
Oleg P.

Product Manager

"Wired Relations covers our need for automation of our ISAE and GDPR compliance work with our existing set-up, and there are still a lot of features making it possible to further develop our compliance work which we are looking forward to exploit."
"We have never had as good an overview of our suppliers, it-systems and processes as we have with Wired Relations. The automated GDPR reporting is brilliant."
"Great customer service! Probably the best I've experienced with any software purchase last 15 years."
"We looked at different systems and some of them were too cluttered. Wired Relations is a simple system – not to sound negative. But it is easy for people to approach."
Louis H.

Legal Counsel

"I think we have saved 20-25% of time and dramatically minimised the risk of human errors."
Johan P.


"Wired Relations has elevated our compliance in regards to GDPR legislation. The workflow in Wired Relations is very logical and we have integrated it to several other business areas."
Søren C.

InfoSec Manager

"We use Wired Relations for GDPR documentation and the system has matured our compliance quite a bit. Both in regards to getting a better overview and increasing the quality of our records of processing activities."
Jens C.

Group Finance Controller

"Track Policies in Wired Relations greatly assists me as a compliance professional by easing my workflow around awareness of our procedures, which is key in upholding our certifications."
Troels Kristensen

Compliance Specialist & DPO

"Wired Relations as a company has a culture and approach that resonates with us, and the product helps us structure and ensure we treat our members personal data in accordance with both the law – and the trust they’ve given us."
"When we saw Wired Relations “in action” it was clear to see that this would be the tool that would help us get the structure and the ownership that we lacked, and we were quite excited to say the least."
Oleg P.

Product Manager

"Wired Relations covers our need for automation of our ISAE and GDPR compliance work with our existing set-up, and there are still a lot of features making it possible to further develop our compliance work which we are looking forward to exploit."
"We have never had as good an overview of our suppliers, it-systems and processes as we have with Wired Relations. The automated GDPR reporting is brilliant."
"Great customer service! Probably the best I've experienced with any software purchase last 15 years."
"We looked at different systems and some of them were too cluttered. Wired Relations is a simple system – not to sound negative. But it is easy for people to approach."
Louis H.

Legal Counsel

"I think we have saved 20-25% of time and dramatically minimised the risk of human errors."
Johan P.


"Wired Relations has elevated our compliance in regards to GDPR legislation. The workflow in Wired Relations is very logical and we have integrated it to several other business areas."
Søren C.

InfoSec Manager

"We use Wired Relations for GDPR documentation and the system has matured our compliance quite a bit. Both in regards to getting a better overview and increasing the quality of our records of processing activities."
Jens C.

Group Finance Controller

"Track Policies in Wired Relations greatly assists me as a compliance professional by easing my workflow around awareness of our procedures, which is key in upholding our certifications."
Troels Kristensen

Compliance Specialist & DPO

"Wired Relations as a company has a culture and approach that resonates with us, and the product helps us structure and ensure we treat our members personal data in accordance with both the law – and the trust they’ve given us."
"When we saw Wired Relations “in action” it was clear to see that this would be the tool that would help us get the structure and the ownership that we lacked, and we were quite excited to say the least."
Oleg P.

Product Manager

"Wired Relations covers our need for automation of our ISAE and GDPR compliance work with our existing set-up, and there are still a lot of features making it possible to further develop our compliance work which we are looking forward to exploit."
"We have never had as good an overview of our suppliers, it-systems and processes as we have with Wired Relations. The automated GDPR reporting is brilliant."
"Great customer service! Probably the best I've experienced with any software purchase last 15 years."
"We looked at different systems and some of them were too cluttered. Wired Relations is a simple system – not to sound negative. But it is easy for people to approach."
Louis H.

Legal Counsel

"I think we have saved 20-25% of time and dramatically minimised the risk of human errors."
Johan P.


"Wired Relations has elevated our compliance in regards to GDPR legislation. The workflow in Wired Relations is very logical and we have integrated it to several other business areas."
Søren C.

InfoSec Manager

"We use Wired Relations for GDPR documentation and the system has matured our compliance quite a bit. Both in regards to getting a better overview and increasing the quality of our records of processing activities."
Jens C.

Group Finance Controller

"Track Policies in Wired Relations greatly assists me as a compliance professional by easing my workflow around awareness of our procedures, which is key in upholding our certifications."
Troels Kristensen

Compliance Specialist & DPO

"Wired Relations as a company has a culture and approach that resonates with us, and the product helps us structure and ensure we treat our members personal data in accordance with both the law – and the trust they’ve given us."

Built for privacy and infosec - in one connected solution

Data Protection & GDPR

Manage all privacy related tasks from one place with a perfect overview. Organise your GDPR work and connect it to the organisation for a more sustainable and robust data protection setup.

Helen ships a questionnaire to a vendor to confirm existing data or learn what’s new.

Matt creates a custom control on ISO 27002.

Information Security & ISMS

Tighten your security with class-leading control management. Every tool information security teams need for operational excellence. Build on a standardised structure, get an eagle-eyed overview and reclaim full control.

GRC workflows

Work faster than ever, involve everyone and minimise your workload. Utilise best practise to create robust workflows to make your programme sustainable.

Emily is delegating tasks on checking user access levels for system owners.

Master the DPIA process like you master your garden

Build legally-sound DPIAs in a fraction of the time

Managing systems through a DPIA process is a bit like tending to a flower bed. If left unattended, new types of weeds, grasses and flowers will pop up.

The most important thing to understand about a DPIA is that it is not a one-time task. It is an ongoing process that runs alongside your system. The earlier you start, the easier it becomes to manage.

We have made it possible for you to master the DPIA process in Wired Relations. You can pre-assess your IT system or make legally-sound DPIAs in 7 easy steps with a proven ICO framework and effortlessly collaborate with those who can assess the impact.

Download e-book

A guide to simplicity in Compliance

Our new e-book explores a fresh perspective on compliance, focusing on user-friendliness, transparency, and simplicity!

Learn more about:
- How to reduce workload in Compliance
- The three most important considerations when changing systems
- How you can aim for simplicity and user-friendliness
- 3 requirements for the best onboarding experience

We believe that simple and user-friendly solutions are the key to better compliance. Read our e-book and learn more about the GRC solution of the future.

Sustainable by Scandinavian Design


The trick is to organise and automate your workflows and re-use information so that you can sustain your programme. To make it last.


Ensure seamless privacy and infosec compliance operation


Auto-generate your RoPA, SoA document and other reports


Get notified when tasks, controls and audits are due


Links data together across multiple regulations and frameworks


Privacy and infosec is a team sport. We make it easy to collaborate among compliance, IT, procurement and the system-owners. To bridge the information gap.


Let anyone contribute with our easy to use GRC solution


Collaborate with and involve your colleagues with ease

Needed information

Limit user access to necessary data for ease-of-use

Access management

Use read-only access for e.g. accounting or reporting purposes

Easy to use

Scandinavian build, simple and easy-to-use. It is possible to love a GRC solution.

Start immediately

No consultants needed to set-up. No training needed to use


Start effortlessly, grow with ease


Focus on the issues, not the system

Best practices

Utilise the in-build best practices

Processing Activities
Risk Assessment
Governance Assessments
Incident Manager
Task Manager
User Management

Everything you
need now — and later.

"I like how we started with a basic platform and then just adds functionality as needed. Now we use Wired Relations across multiple legal entities and as our need and ambition grow, we have the right setup to expand further."
Mathias S.

Lawyer at NREP

You don't need external consultants to set up Wired Relations

Privacy and information security are complicated. We are constantly bombarded with new regulations and standards. We have to apply those to an ever-changing digital environment and new processes within the organisations we work for.

You do not need your GRC solutions to be complex as well… Right? That has been the design philosophy behind Wired Relations from the beginning.

We are a Scandinavian company, and if you know Scandinavian design, it is simple and functional. We want to build a system that is so well designed that you do not need a consultant to set it up and you do not need training to use it.

At the same time it gives you full control and overview of their GRC programme. We build a system based on having an overview of all your systems, vendors and processes. On top of that we build automation to support the important workflows of a GRC programme: Vendor management, audits and incident reporting - to name a few. All of it, out of the box.

In fact, we are so confident in our design, that we hope you will have a look for yourself. We’d love for you to give Wired Relations a try (it’s free!) and see the difference the right tool makes.

We promise that you can turn fragile privacy and infosec into sustainable GRC programmes that add value through structure, overview and control.

Gilli, Bobby & Anders,
founders of Wired Relations.

Start building your sustainable programme.
Create a free account today