Privacy and Security officer Marc Fielmich had only worked at Ichoosr for two months when he decided to introduce Wired Relations to the management.
“Looking at the privacy tool we had, gave me anxiety. The amount of data that needed to be updated was astonishing and the layout was so disorganised”.
Within two weeks Ichoosr had bought Wired Relations.

Increased data awareness
iChoosr is a company that operates in five different countries to accelerate the energy transition. They help homeowners adopt more sustainable energy solutions through a group buying scheme. By joining forces with other buyers, homeowners can secure more affordable options than if they were to purchase individually.
Participants sign up for an auction where suppliers compete to offer the best deal, bidding for the opportunity to serve the entire group. Therefore a lot of the personal data Marc has to guard is related to people's houses, living arrangements and energy consumption habits.
With the previous privacy tool, all this information was disorganised. Wired Relations not only introduced a structured system that brings everything into order – it also created a fundamental shift, explains Marc.
“After implementing Wired Relations I can see that people in the organisation have become more aware of data privacy. I can see a shift from privacy being obscure to creating an awareness where people are saying, ‘why are we clicking this? ‘why are we saving this?’ They now ask themselves, ‘do I need that data? is that data helpful?’
And I get to help them with that. I get to interpret the law into something practical,” he says.
Wired Relations has made a real difference for Marc not least because it has helped him delegate tasks and get his colleagues involved in the work. People now help him fill in the Record of Processing Activities (RoPA).
“Previously RoPAs were a task that only the privacy officer would do. But now I can simply ask people to do it. Wired Relations makes that easy for me and for them. It has created an awareness of how much data we actually collect and are responsible for”.
People report more incidents
Marc has also delegated the task of registering data requests into Wired Relations to customer service agents, creating a good workflow for everyone. But the biggest achievement, according to Marc, is actually the increase in the number of data leaks.
“We went from just two data leaks in 2022 to about 8 or 9 now. This shows a growing awareness of data protection, which I consider a real success. Wired Relations played a key role in this because many of those reporting incidents are the same people involved in the RoPA process. The platform makes it easy for them to document everything, thanks to the templates. It simplifies their tasks and makes my job easier as well”.
Even though data leaks are not desirable, it is important to handle them properly and create awareness so they can be prevented in the future. The awareness has also resulted in Marc using the risk assessment tool in Wired Relations more frequently, and as he says: “it is very helpful, also for our ISMS work”.
Mark has one last remark.
“I think that the people of Wired Relations should be promoted and not just the product. Everyone is so helpful and I can see the passion in them”.
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